Tuesday, November 27, 2012

So I find myself wondering why I can't play poker from home. I mean, I just don't understand why the US Government just won't regulate online gambling. Whenever I want to play a session of poker, but don't want to buy in with $200, I to the internet where I can buy in with $5. Maybe some day they will come around... for now, I'm still on a poker break. My last few sessions were no good. I kept getting run over by the most awkward of plays. Completely blind sided. Pretty much wiped out my entire bankroll. Poker and I aren't speaking right now...

Friday, September 21, 2012

Mistakes in my Poker Play

I've found myself playing a better game after not playing for a while. I'm not why this is, but when I take a break from playing, say about... a month or two... When I get back at a table, I play significantly better. I wonder why this is? I can only speculate that any swings in chips have been forgotten about and I don't worry about making up losses. Gives my mind time to come to terms with the loss and not dwell on it anymore I guess. I have also noticed I play better when I have someone with me. If I sit at a table by myself, I tend not make bad calls and decisions, because there is no one there to impress. When I sit at a table and my girlfriend is with me, I play a little more tight and second guess most decisions because I don't want to hear bitching the whole ride home about money lost. I guess my point here is... When I notice I'm making mistakes during play, I try to take a break from playing all together... Collect my thoughts... Recharge my confidence... And sit down with a level, undistracted mind, and think every decision thoroughly. - Pokernaut

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Is it just me or is casino action better?

I've been playing online with Carbon Poker lately and I have to say, I'm not too impressed. But then again, I had the same thoughts about FullTilt and PokerStars. I guess some people just get it, and can be successful playing poker online, but I, apparently, cannot.

With that being said, I usually do much better in actual casino card rooms. I guess the reason is that when I play online, I play lower limits than I would in an actual card room. So people just call anything and play crazy. Its different when you buy-in for $5 compared to $300.

So I think I'm just going to stick to actual card rooms for the time being.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

US Online Gaming

Recently I've wanted to get back into online gaming. I haven't placed a bet online in years, and I've come to learn that all my favorite sites have banned US players. I've heard that there are some smaller sites out there still accepting new, US players. But my question is, why do they have to ban online poker? Can't they come up with a taxation agreement with the major sites? It seems like a really good opportunity to make a lot of people happy. I don't know all the reasons why US Government made the ban, but they still allow brick-and-mortar casinos... Is anyone else confused?