Friday, September 21, 2012

Mistakes in my Poker Play

I've found myself playing a better game after not playing for a while. I'm not why this is, but when I take a break from playing, say about... a month or two... When I get back at a table, I play significantly better. I wonder why this is? I can only speculate that any swings in chips have been forgotten about and I don't worry about making up losses. Gives my mind time to come to terms with the loss and not dwell on it anymore I guess. I have also noticed I play better when I have someone with me. If I sit at a table by myself, I tend not make bad calls and decisions, because there is no one there to impress. When I sit at a table and my girlfriend is with me, I play a little more tight and second guess most decisions because I don't want to hear bitching the whole ride home about money lost. I guess my point here is... When I notice I'm making mistakes during play, I try to take a break from playing all together... Collect my thoughts... Recharge my confidence... And sit down with a level, undistracted mind, and think every decision thoroughly. - Pokernaut